Sunday, April 15, 2012

When I Get Big... I'm Going to Be a Paleontologist!

So, I've started writing these books for young children.  "When I Get Big..."   I want it to turn into a college and career readiness series for our future leaders... just something to peek their interest in different careers. There's not really anything out there like that right now and I would LOVE to have these books for my sons, niece, nephew.. anyone really. I've just finished a new book on paleontology and thought I'd share some of the super cute photos of two little paleontologists. Thanks to my nephew Biscuit AKA Caleb for being such a great model. And of course, thanks to my other little paleontologist Elijah.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Box: The Real Story

Our church made theses wonderful boxes to teach children about the passion/stations of the cross. The Easter bunny even looked through his box and left him a note about it.

The Easter Bunny Came!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cake Batter Popcorn = Pinterest Success

This was a big hit at our house.  I'm taking it to a March Madness potluck at work tomorrow; hope the GRREC folks like it as much as the boys did.  

We actually popped popcorn on the stove for the first time EVER and Elijah loved it!  He really enjoyed watching each it pop.  The only thing I changed about the recipe is I only used 2-3 table spoons of veg. shortening.  I used more like 7 cups of popcorn because I used 5-6 cubes of white chocolate bark.