We woke to picture like this on the news. How scary. We thought the worst of the weather was going to miss us, but alas... Snow, it misses us all winter. Tornado warnings, not so much.
The sirens started ringing. We gathered blankets, pillows, flashlight, computer, and set off for the bathroom. (Someday I'll get that house with a basement.) Jonah thought this was a lot of fun. We'd never hung out in the bathroom floor.

Then, it was a lot of work. Local news, NOAA, Weather Channel, Texts. It was a lot for a 10 month old to keep up with.
After 35 minutes the novelty and enjoyment wore off. He was tired, hungry and confused.
Thank goodness soon we were able to come out of the bathroom safe and sound.
Joe had a nap and some lunch... And all was well again.
Hope everyone stayed safe today. Can't wait to hear from Daddy and big brother when they get home.
Signing Off The Air,
Tots & Tornadoes
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